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contoh kalimat at that time

"at that time" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Rather, Africa was drying out at that time.
    Malahan, Afrika sedang mulai kekeringan pada saat itu.
  • At that time, I thought I would stay.
    Waktu itu, saya pikir akan seterusnya di sini.
  • At that time was all over with The Minks.
    Pada waktu itu seluruh dengan The musang.
  • I couldn't win against them at that time.
    Aku tidak akan menang melawan mereka saat ini.
  • At that time, I had a stirring of emotion.
    Pada waktu itu, saya punya mengaduk emosi.
  • Didn't you catch a robber at that time?
    Tidakkah Anda menangkap seorang perampok pada waktu itu?
  • At that time, he doesn't know you, right?
    Pada waktu itu, dia tidak kenal kau kan?
  • And how long were you walking at that time?
    Dan berapa lama kau berjalan saat itu?
  • At that time, only one merchant in amsterdam
    Pada saat itu, hanya satu pedagang di amsterdam
  • The man who was in Budapest at that time.
    Orang yang ada di Budapest waktu itu.
  • At that time, we did kill many people.
    Pada saat itu, kami tidak membunuh banyak orang.
  • Just at at that time. I seen one strange girl.
    Saat itu, aku melihat gadis aneh.
  • And at that time, we'll have the medallion.
    Dan pada saat itu, kita akan memiliki medali.
  • Do you how much I had at that time?
    Kau tahu, aku punya berapa saat itu?
  • He can appear in the court at that time.
    Ia bisa hadir di sidang saat itu.
  • At that time, I thought we had something.
    Pada saat itu ku pikir kita saling suka
  • At that time, I was disguised as a monk.
    Waktu itu, aku menyamar seorang seorang biksu.
  • At that time, he took me to understand the thing.
    Pada saat itu aku telah mengerti
  • Alex was the premier climber at that time.
    Alex merupakan pendaki yang utama pada masa itu.
  • At that time you have a unique chance.
    Pada saat itu kau memiliki kesempatan yang unik.
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